Extended Care (CLUB CTK)
The following is an overview of the extended day care program. Please refer to the Parent/Student Handbook for further details regarding programming, policies, and procedures.
Address and Telephone
CLUB CTK is located in Room 002 at the west end of the main school building on the lower level. CLUB CTK can be reached directly at (925) 685-0995. After hours, please leave a voicemail message or email at club@ctkschool.org. You may also stop in to CLUB CTK personally during the hours of operation.
Hours of Operation
Our program is open before school from 7:00-8:00 a.m. and every afternoon from 3:00-6:00 p.m. on regular days, 2:15-6:00 p.m. on early dismissal days and 12:00-6:00 p.m. on noon dismissal days. There is no CLUB CTK during the afternoon the day before Christmas break and the last day of school. CLUB CTK is closed during school holidays and summer vacation.
Students using CLUB CTK on a regular or drop in basis must be registered. The extended day care registration form and the yearly registration fee must be received before a student may attend CLUB CTK.
Students participating in after school programs (choir, band, CYO, etc.) must register with CLUB and provide student’s schedule. The registration fee will be charged only if the student uses CLUB before or after their program three (3) billable times.
If you know your child will be attending CLUB CTK please send an email to: club@ctkschool.org and copy your child’s homeroom teacher. Any child dropped off before 7:45 am should be sent to CLUB CTK. Any child not picked up by 15 minutes after the dismissal bell will be sent to CLUB CTK.
A yearly registration fee is charged to each family using CLUB CTK. The registration fee subsidizes snacks and supplies, and helps offset staffing costs.
One child in family attending: $75
Two or more children in family attending: $100
Families who did not plan on using CLUB services but end up using CLUB three (3) billable times will be charged the registration fee on the next billing cycle. This includes families who use CLUB services before and/or after any after school program.
The cost for program services is $8.50 per hour.
Field Trips
CLUB CTK sponsors optional walking field trips throughout the school year. These are indicated on the monthly CLUB CTK Calendar. Each student must have a Walking Field Trip Permission Form on file in order to participate.
Melody Braganza
CLUB CTK Director