School Fund Assessment Information

Each school family is required to contribute $250 School Fund Assessment (SFA). All contributions are due no later than April 30. A late fee of $50 is applicable to all outstanding accounts 15 days after invoice is issued. Summaries of all payments sent to Christ the King and eChecks must include the family name.

Below is an overview of ways to meet this requirement. Please see the full text of the School Fund Assessment Letter for more detailed information.

  • Shop with Scrip

    • Sign up with RaiseRight (formerly ShopWithScrip). Raise Right code: L54D412C9999.

    • Register your credit cards online with eScrip. Stores and credit card companies give a donation to the school through scrip when you use your registered credit card for purchases at participating retailers.  Sign up at Please note that eScrip is on a calendar year.  Example: purchases made in November 2023 will count for the current year (ends April 30th) but purchases made in January will count for next year (which starts on May 1st).

    • Scrip Waiver (permission to send Scrip home with student)

  • Participate in your employer Corporate Donations and Matching Fund Programs. Please provide any paperwork showing your pledged amount. ALL FAMILIES participating in employer-based Donation and/or Corporate Matching programs are required to submit documentation to CTK Scrip. Please see the full text of the School Fund Assessment Letter for more details.

  • Pay $250 in cash. You can always elect to pay the full $250 and not participate in any of the above areas.