Family Service Program (FSP)
Christ the King School continues to develop as a vibrant Catholic community in part because of the high level of family involvement in school activities and events. By supporting the school through service hours, families are actively working to maintain this positive culture and ensure the continued success of Christ the King Catholic School. Thank you in advance for demonstrating the values of service, generosity and community for your child and others through the Family Service Program.
Please note that volunteers at CTK who will be working where children are present must have the following on file with the school before their volunteer work begins: Livescan Fingerprinting through the Diocese of Oakland, Diocesan Volunteer Application, Online Virtus Training, and TB Clearance.
Opportunities abound to help our school! If you are interested in any of the following, please contact the person listed by your choice. Sign-ups for helping in the classrooms and other miscellaneous positions will be held at the beginning of the school year.
Family service hours can now be logged on this Google form. Please contact Demi Marquez at if you have any questions about logging hours.
Each family must complete a total of 17 service hours. The requirements for this year are:
Personal Choice Hours - 8
Fundraising Hours - 5 (Golf, Walk-A-Jog-A-Thon, Auction, Festival)
Festival Hours - 4
If you're interested in helping with:
being a Room Parent - contact Kirsten Sawyer here
School Hot Lunch (Thursdays) - contact Demi Marquez here
Choice Lunch (MTWF) - contact Jenn Meran here
Msgr. Wade Golf Tournament - contact Raul Ortega here
PTG - contact Carolyn Della Maggiore here
Walk-A-Jog-A-Thon - contact Ryann Day here
CTK Auction - contact Chelsea Ratilainen and Leah Barnum here
CTK Festival - contact Nicole Zucconi
Scrip - contact Demi Marquez here
Stuffing and Unstuffing Family Envelopes - contact the School Office here
*Please note that all hours must be completed and logged by May 31st. Families are billed $30 per hour for all unworked hours. Money for hours not worked is due by June 15th.