Health Information Requirements

In order to comply with Federal, State and Diocesan regulations, the following information is due to the school office by June 30th. For the protection of all children enrolled, no child will be allowed to start classes without proof of current immunizations, a physical exam and TB clearance.


Physical Exams

  • Kindergarten: Within 24 months preceding first day of school.

  • First Grade: Must have a physical within the preceding 18 months of the first day of first grade: This applies to all students – new applicants and current students.

  • Grades 2-8: Transferring students from schools within the Diocese of Oakland or Contra Costa County are not required to have a physical. Health records will be obtained from the transfer school after acceptance.


Current Immunizations and TB Screening

Up-to-date immunizations, as required by Federal/State law are as follows:

  • Polio: A minimum of 3 doses. Four are required if the 3rd dose was given prior to 4th birthday.

  • DPT: A minimum of 4 doses. Five are required if the 4th dose was given prior to 4th birthday.

  • MMR: Two doses are required for Kindergarten and 7th grade entry. A third dose is required if the 1st dose was given prior to 1st birthday.

  • Hepatitis B: Two doses are required for Kindergarten and 7th grade entry. The 3rd dose must be completed according to state regulations.

  • Varicella: Students entering Kindergarten must have one dose, unless they have documentation of the disease.

  • TDap: Tetanus & Diptheria toxoid is required for 7th grade entry if at least 5 years have lapsed since the last dose. Dose must be on or after 10th birthday.

  • Hepatitis A: Recommended for all children in CA, although not mandatory.

  • TB: TB clearance done no earlier than six months prior to the first day of school. Acceptable clearance is the PPD/Mantoux skin test, a physician statement of “negative symptom screening” or a physician’s statement of “no risk factor”.